30 Best Flutter State Management Libraries

Flutter state management libraries help build and manage apps better and more easily. These libraries will keep the data of any changes made to the UI safe, regardless of the type of change made.

It is possible to manage small apps, but the state management libraries will make it easier in case of complex applications.

Selecting a state management library may seem overwhelming, but we are here to assist you in selecting the most suitable one for your team, project, and expertise.

In this article, we’ve curated 30 state management libraries for Flutter developers. Some libraries are popular, and some are new.


BLoC is the most popular library and is recommended by Google. It helps in developing fast and reactive apps. BLOC makes it easier for a team to work on some uniform patterns.

BLOC supports undoing and redoing states. Efficiency in working is excellent, and reuse components both within our application and across other applications. Easy to test and make sure that our app is responding properly. BLoCis widely used by the flutter community.


GetX is the second most popular state management library and is very simple for new Flutter Developers. GetX is secure, stable, and up-to-date.

Transferring information inside an application with the state management is possible. The application’s state is updated whenever information is passed.

It offers a range of built-in APIs that are not present in the default Flutter SDK. It is possible to fully reuse your code made on the front of your backend. GetX extension is available on VSCode.

Inherited Widget

The inherited widget is the lowest-level widget in a tree. It allows other classes to access information in a tree. Inherited widgets are a kind of state management widgets.

Using inherited widgets in Flutter will not affect any of the widgets. It works by telling registered build references whenever a change occurs.


MobX is a very simple and beginner-friendly state management library. MobX makes it simple to connect the reactive data of the application with the UI.

MobX is based on three main concepts: Observables, Actions, and Reactions. As the application develops, it helps the developer purely focus on what reactive data needs to be consumed without worrying about keeping these two things in sync.


Cube is similar to GetX state management but has some features that GetX doesn’t have. It is very simple for new users. Cube is easy, even if you are new to flutter.

Object-oriented state management is the focus of the application and will result in the rebuilding of the widget tree whenever necessary, reducing the coding complexity. It simplifies state management objectively and minimizes code difficulty by reducing the widget trees.


States_Rebuilder is also a user-friendly library that focuses on performance, clean code, and production. It has elegant and lightweight syntax.

State_Rebuilder makes it easy to test and mock the dependencies. It has app themes and multi-lang management as well as user authentication and authorization.


Provider makes Inherited widgets more simple and easy to use. It is widely used and popular. In the BLoC package, it is used internally to provide and access BLoC objects in the widget tree. The Flutter team supports the provider state management library.


Riverpod can be said as an updated version of the provider. Riverpod is a simple state management library. Provider and riverpod have the same author.

The author faced some issues while developing the provider later; it was fixed in Riverpod. Even though it is similar to providers, it is not widely used and isn’t fully stable.


Meedu is state management for simple and complex states. It is as simple as and similar to Riverpod. It is a very interesting young project.

Navigating your app without a custom page is possible and contains reactive programming similar to GetX. Being easy to test is another advantage.


Redux is not very used in the Flutter community and has low development too. Redux is preferred for large applications.

With Redux, you can structure your application so that the state is extracted in a centrally-located store. It will make the state stable, and also, it is easy for programmers to find bugs.

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GetIt is the optional state management for providers or InheritedWidget. It is used to access the objects, but it is not the same as the state management techniques. GetIt is a simple service locator for dart and flutter projects. It is extremely fast and easy to learn and use.


Stacked makes it easy to implement the base architecture and provides you with classes and functionalities. You can add many additional things to your application.

Stacked aims to provide common functionalities that will make app development easy. These functionalities will help in understandably building large applications.


The binder is very lightweight and powerful. It aims to separate the application state from the business logic. Each state is independent of the other.


setState is local state management, which is a way of dynamically updating the screen’s UI. It is very easy to understand and use. It is a slow process to maintain the setState that is scattered.


Fish Redux is the framework for redux state management. This is an application framework based on redux. Fish Redux completes the merge process from the small reducers to the main reducers.

It is useful for building medium and large applications. This application framework does not solve the problem of state management but solves the problems of divide and conquer, data drive, decoupling, etc.

Flutter Commands

The Flutter command is a way to manage your state based on ValueListenable and the command design pattern. ValueNotifier has the capacity to hold just one value.

It doesn’t recreate the whole widget tree on calling setState(). Flutter commands offer the same that BLoC does but in a more logical way.


Triple is a pattern for state management that uses Streams or ValueNotifier. It is named because it uses three values: Error, Loading, and State. Therefore, it is also called a segmented state pattern(SSP).

One main feature is preventing the same state from being distinct. Using the ChangeNotifier API means reusing everything that exists on Flutter.


Solidart is inspired by Solid.js.It is an easy-to-learn simple state management solution for dart applications. solidart will not go against the framework, and it has a single global state. The three main concepts in solidart that we should be aware of are signals, effects, and resources.

Scoped Model

A set of utilities that allow you to easily pass a data Model from a parent widget. It is a widget that passes a reactive model to all of its children. The scoped model was extracted from the Fuchsia codebase.

Flutter Hooks

A Flutter implementation of React hooks. It can add new kinds of widgets with enhanced code reuse. Hooks are something that manages the lifecycle of a widget and exist because they help in code sharing and removing duplicates. There are some rules set for Flutter Hooks.

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Firebase SDK provides a very powerful stream-based state management library. This is not a perfect solution for every situation, but it is useful for some complex requirements. In addition, it helps persist your data in the cloud.

StreamBuilder + RxDart

An Rx stream builder widget can populate the initial data of a stream builder. It is a flexible new Flutter package project that provides a good separation of concerns.

BehaviorSubject is an example of an RX stream; it can be controlled by adding new items to the stream. Also, the behavior subject will improve performance.

Hooks Riverpod

A simple way to access the state from anywhere in your application. It ensures that the code is testable. It helps in realizing the errors at compile time rather than at runtime.


This is an architecture library with the main goal of splitting code between different responsibilities. It is easy to test and simple. It will help in making the code clear. Elementary help in managing whatever is displayed at the moment. It bins the business logic of your app.


Momentum works as a state management and dependency injection. It has high testability. Momentum requires some special setup. It restores the state when the app opens again. The app will open the page where the user left.


PMVVM is a Flutter package for simple state management based on the MVVM pattern. PMVVM has the same purpose as BLoC; also, it takes some concepts from a simpler and cleaner approach. It takes some concepts from the stacked package but will have a much cleaner and simpler approach.


A State management library that enables testable business logic code and readability. It will read and update the state with compile-time safety. It writes clean and testable business logic.

One benefit of using creators is that there is no need to worry about when to provide creators. The concept of a creator is so simple and easy to learn.


A state management library that provides a simple solution for updating the state and navigation.flutter_onlooker has a library that provides stateNotifier, state observer, and stateNotifierprovider.


State management solution on top of the router and API for larger and more complex apps. One of the benefits is that state objects are typed and can only pop, and the page entry you push to the stack is also typed, and we are free to change it.


While searching about state management libraries, you may find Bolter also. But the bolter package is in too early stage.


State management is essential for Flutter app development as it allows UI state control and manages the data flow in the application.

We have discussed the best state management libraries in this article, and I hope you guys got a good idea about all the libraries mentioned in this article.

Thank you for reading this. May this help you out while developing your application. Happy learning!

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