Following the Material You redesign last month, Google has added a new tab to its Google Contacts app for Android. You now have the new Highlight’ tab in addition to the ‘Contacts” and ‘Fix & manage’ tabs on the Material You bottom bar of the Google Contacts app.
The Google Contacts Highlight tab is located between the Contacts’ and Fix & Manage tabs in the bottom bar. The Favorites grid is located below the search bar. It contains four icons that will allow you to find four of your favorite contacts. The ‘Add’ button in the upper-right corner allows you to add contacts easily.
The ‘Recents section is located under the Favorites grid. It contains a two-tabbed listing. The ‘View Recently’ section shows you who you have interacted with most recently. Each contact in the ‘Recents section is accompanied by a date.
You can delete your history by using the overflow menu. You can access the most recent contacts by going to the ‘Added recently’ section. The new update includes all these updates.
The Google Contacts app becomes quite busy with all of the changes mentioned. While the ‘Fix & Manage’ tab helps access some useful resources, it’s unclear if it needs a separate tab at the bottom.
The Google Contacts Highlight tab offers more functionality, allowing you to search for contacts using a visually appealing and friendly grid.
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