50+ Best Web3 Courses For Beginners And Experts

In this article, you’ll see a list of some of the free as well as best Web3 courses that can help you to learn web3 development from experts and professionals. The courses are suitable for all i.e. for beginners, intermediate and advanced developers. Some of this web3 courses also provide certifications for free.

Table Of Contents 👉

Best Free Web3 Courses

  • Learn Web3 by Doing (by LearnWeb3)
  • Web3 Degree By Alchemy University
  • Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course by FreeCodeCamp
  • Web3 Blockchain Fundamentals Course by Web3 Foundation
  • Full Stack Ethereum Development by Nader Dabit
  • Ultimate NFT Programming Course by Moralis Web3
  • Smart Contracts Course By Web3 University

Let’s take a look at each course in detail.

web3 free course

Cyfrin Updraft – Ultimate Web3 Learning Platform

Cyfrin Updraft is a web3 developer learning platform with 50+ hours of step-by-step smart contract development courses, over 300 video and written lessons, and hands-on projects taught by the industry’s leading experts. Completely for free!

It offers 5 courses:

  • Blockchain basics – for total beginners
  • Solidity smart contract development – for new smart contract developers
  • Foundry basics – for intermediate web3 developers
  • Foundry advanced – to learn about advanced testing and deployment practices
  • Smart contracts security and auditing – to learn how to create secure smart contracts and audit others’ codebases
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Learn Web3 by Doing

Are you curious about Web3 as a developer? Wonder what are NFTs, DAOs, DeFi, and Smart Contracts? This website is for you! On this website, You’ll see four roadmaps namely Freshman, Sophomore, Junior And Senior Web3 Developer.

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Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course by FreeCodeCamp

This course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts in blockchain, smart contracts, solidity, NFTs/ERC721s, ERC20s, Coding Decentralized Finance (DeFi), python and solidity, Chainlink, Ethereum, upgradable smart contracts, and full stack blockchain development. This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate it is considered as one of the best web3 courses you should try from this whole list.

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Web3 Degree by Alchemy University

This web3.0 degree is divided into three parts, JavaScript Fundamentals, Ethereum Developer Bootcamp, and Road to Web3. If you’re a beginner or an intermediate level web3 practitioner, there is something for all. Alchemy university is providing all the courses worth thousands of dollars for free. Go and check out more details from the below-given link.

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Full Stack Ethereum Development by Nader Dabit

In this course, you’ll learn how to build a modern full stack dApp on the Ethereum blockchain with React, Solidity, Hardhat, and Ethers.js. By the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of how to build modern dApps with React and Solidity on the Ethereum blockchain.

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Ultimate NFT Programming Course by Moralis Web3

The topics covered in this course are as listed:

  • Introduction (Theory)
  • Contract Programming in Solidity
  • Explaining Metadata
  • Moralis initalisation
  • Moralis Server Dashboard and Database overview
  • And More.
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Web3 Course For Beginners by Eat The Blocks

This course is divided in to 11 small videos where author will take you through the Introduction to Web3, Web3 installation on Windows, Mac and Linux, Connect to Ethereum Blockchain with Ganache, Creating a Web3 contract. Sending transaction to Smart Contract, Integrate Web3 with Metamask, and more.

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Web3’s Learn-to-Earn Data Cohort Course by OurNetwork and Dune

In this course, OurNetwork contributors and Dune team will teach you how to analyze data in Web3 and communicate your work publicly.

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a16z Crypto Startup School

Hours of videos, lectures, presentations, real-world insights and fireside chats from some of the best minds in the crypto space. In this course, You’ll learn about Blockchain Primitives: Cryptography and Consensus, Secure Smart Contract Development, and more.

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Specific Topic Wise Free Web3 Courses:

Web3 Blockchain Fundamentals Course by Web3 Foundation

The Web3 Foundation “Blockchain for Beginners” MOOC teaches blockchain from the very basics all the way up to building your own blockchain. The course is led by Bill Laboon, Web3 Foundation’s technical education lead. This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate it is considered as one of the best web3 courses you should try from this whole list.

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Smart Contracts Course by Web3 University

If you’re new to web3 development, this is where you want to start. In this course, you’ll learn about What are smart contracts?, How to deploy your first smart contract?, What is gas?, Interacting with your smart contract, Structure of a smart contract, Submit your smart contract to etherscan, Smart contract security challenges, How to integrate your contract with a frontend, and more.

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Web3js Course by DApp University

A small course that will help you to understand about web3.js. This course is for javascript developers.

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Web3py Course by DApp University

A small course that will help you to understand about web3.py. This course is for python developers.

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Solidity Course by FreeCodeCamp

Learn to program in Solidity. Solidity is an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts. It is used for implementing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms, most notably, Ethereum. For more info related to topics covered in this small course, go through the below given link.

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Truffle For Beginners by Eat The Blocks

Introduction to Truffle, Installing Truffle, Setting up Project for Truffle, Compiling Smart Contracts, Checking / Quizzing Smart Contracts, Deploying Smart Contracts, Interacting With Smart Contracts, and more.

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MetaMask Mini Course For Beginners by MoneyZg

In this course, You’ll learn about how to setup MetaMask, how to send crypto on MetaMask, how to swap tokens on MetaMask, how to set gas fees on MetaMask browser, how to connect wallet on metamask and more.

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The Graph Course by Coinbase

The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains. This course will help you to learn how it works using web stories, visualizations and small lessons.

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Solana Course by OpenQuest

The programs in Solana in this course are written in Rust. This course is divided into different quests where you’ll learn about building a crowdfunding social platform using solana, staking on solana, deploying the program on to solana, solana important web3 rpc methods, etc.

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Learn Everything about NFTs by Meta School

Wondering WTF is an NFT and why is everyone talking about it? Check out everything by visiting the link. In this small course, You’ll learn about the mechanism of NFTs, how to build NFTs, Use of NFTs and a lot more.

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Learn Hardhat with Eat The Blocks

The course curriculum covers:

  • Project Setup
  • Creating Smart Contracts
  • Testing, Debugging and Deploying Smart Contracts
  • Integrating the Frontend
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Chainlink Oracles by ChainShot

The Chainlink course sets the foundation to start setting up decentralized oracle infrastructure in your smart contracts. This course is for those who have completed the ChainShot Introduction to Solidity course and for those who wants to learn about decentralized oracles in smart contracts.

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Polygon Course by OpenQuest

In this course, You’ll learn about:

  • Smart contracts on Polygon – how exactly this can be done?
  • Connecting to Polygon with ethers.js and react.js
  • Creating a Polygon loan application with hardhat
  • Coding your own MultiSig wallet on Polygon
  • Exploiting selfdestruct function
  • And More
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Introduction to Tokens by Defi Academy

In this course you will learn about:

  • Different types of tokens in Ethereum
  • How to create your own token
  • Token standards in the Ethereum blockchain
  • How to deploy tokens to an Ethereum network

The prerequisite for joining this course is you should atleast have 1 year of experience working with any programming language.

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IPFS Course by Proto School

This course on IPFS includes both JavaScript code challenges and code-free tutorials with text-based lessons and multiple-choice quizzes. As you go deeper in the course, You’ll learn more about other protocol layers of the Web3 stack that work in parallel with IPFS, including Multiformats, IPLD, libp2p, and Filecoin.

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Moralis Course by Moralis Web3

Moralis Web3 Full Course that goes through the most important feature of the Moralis Web3 Programming Platform. This course will teach you how to develop cross-chain dapps with simple javascript. This course is suitable for beginners and it is found to be one of the best web3 courses you should try from this whole list.

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Intro To Ethereum Programming by DApp University

In this course, You’ll learn about many things like How Does Ethereum Work?, Solidity Programming, Javascript for Blockchain, Python for Blockchain, Essential Blockchain Developer Tools, How Do I Build a Dapp Without Metamamask? How Do I Build a Mobile Dapp? How Do I Build an Ethereum Wallet?, and more. Apart from this, You’ll also build projects like Todo App and React Decentralized App. This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate developers and it is one of the best web3 courses you should try from this whole list.

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Create ERC20 Token on Ethereum by Eat The Blocks

In this mini course, you’ll learn how to create ERC20 token on Ethereum in an easy way.

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Project Based Free Web3 Courses:

Writing your First Hello World contract in Solidity by Meta School

This is a beginner level course for anyone looking to start in web3 space. In this course, You’ll go through three steps:

  • Setting up environment
  • Writing the actual code
  • Deployment
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Build Your First Blockchain App Using Ethereum Smart Contracts and Solidity by FreeCodeCamp

Learn how to build a blockchain app using Ethereum smart contracts in this course. You will learn how to create a todo app with Ethereum smart contracts using the Solidity programming language.

You will also learn to write tests, deploy to the blockchain, and create a client-side application. This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate developers and it is one of the best web3 courses you should try from this whole list.

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Build a Blockchain App on Polygon – Polygon Development Course by Eat The Blocks

You’ll go through the following things in this course:

  • Polygon Ecosystem
  • Matic.js
  • Token Bridge
  • Smart contract on Polygon
  • Token on Polygon
  • Mapping PoS Assets
  • Meta transaction on Polygon
  • Run a Polygon Node
  • Chainlink oracles on Polygon
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Build a Full Stack NFT Marketplace on Ethereum with Polygon and Next.js by Nader Dabit

In this course, you’ll learn how to build a full stack NFT marketplace on Ethereum with Solidity, Polygon, IPFS, Next.js, Ethers.js, and Hardhat. You’ll start from scratch, creating a new project and installing the dependencies.

You’ll then write and test out the smart contracts. Once the tests have passed, you’ll write the front end code to connect the smart contracts. After testing on a local network, you’ll deploy to the Matic / Polygon network using a custom RPC provider (Infura).

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How to Build a Blockchain App by DApp University

In this course, You’ll learn how to create your first blockchain application with Ethereum, Web3.js, and Solidity smart contracts. You don’t have to know anything about blockchain to follow along.

The author will teach you from scratch. Use this step-by-step course with code examples and written instructions to start your blockchain developer journey today!

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How to Build an Ethereum DApp by DApp University

This course will help you to learn how to write your first Ethereum smart contract, where you can hold an election between two candidates. You’ll write tests against the smart contract, deploy it to the Ethereum blockchain, and develop a client-side application that allows accounts to cast votes.

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NFT Art with On-Chain Metadata using JavaScript, Polygon and Hardhat by Patrick Collins

In this course, You’ll explore the world of using SVGs to generate random NFT Image URIs and Metadata 100% on-chain in combination with Chainlink VRF to create randomness and true scarcity. You’ll use Hardhat, Javascript, and Solidity. These customized smart contracts were deployed to the Polygon chain, so you can see exactly how they did this!

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Write a Smart Contract and Mint Elon Musk NFT on OpenSea by Meta School

In this mini course for beginners, you will write a smart contract and learn how to use the standard for non-fungible tokens ERC 721 to mint an image of Elon Musk programmatically.

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Web3 Next.js DApp by TheItalianDev

In this course, The author will teach you how to build a fully functional Web3 dApplication in Moralis.

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Blockchain Project with DApp University

In this project based web3 course, You’ll learn how to create a DeFi App using Ethereum, Solidity, Web3.js & Truffle. If you face any problem while watching the tutorial, You can check the code which is available on GitHub.

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Create a Horoscope Web3 NFT Application by Meta School

A small course to take you from scratch and help you build your first ever minting application. The course is divided into three parts

  • Setup And Installation
  • Writing the NFT contract
  • Creating the React App
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How to Build Ethereum DApp with IPFS by DApp University

In this project based course, You’ll learn how to build a DApp With IPFS on Ethereum. Along with video tutorials the author has also provided codes (available on the github).

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General Free Web3 Courses From Different Channels:

Learn Blockchain: The Complete Beginner’s Guide by DApp University

The course is divided into following things:

  • Project Preview
  • Dependencies
  • Project Setup
  • Buy Tokens
  • Sell Tokens
  • Front End Setup
  • Buy Tokens (Front End)
  • Sell Tokens (Front End)
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Get Started With Blockchain Development by Microsoft

This course introduces you to blockchain and development on the Ethereum platform. Discover what skills are necessary to learn to begin building your own blockchain networks at scale. The prerequisite for this course is previous experience and basic knowledge with any programming language like C, Python, or JavaScript.

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Blockchain Technology Course by UC Berkeley

Learn the fundamentals of blockchain technology and how it will power the economy of tomorrow. Developed by Blockchain at Berkeley and faculty from UC Berkeley’s premier Computer Science department, this course provides a wide overview of many of the topics relating to and building upon the foundation of Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

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Blockchain Theory 101 by Melanie Swan (Udemy)

If you’re a beginner and don’t know anything about blockchain then this is the best course and most recommended course for you. You’ll learn about Blockchain Introduction and Background, Technical Aspects of Blockchain Technology, Blockchain Applications, Blockchain Implementation, Blockchain Consensus Algorithms, Practical Considerations of Blockchain Technology and more. This course is one of the best web3 courses and it is suitable for beginners and intermediate.

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Blockchain and Money by MIT OpenCourseWare

This course is for students wishing to explore blockchain technology’s potential use – by entrepreneurs & incumbents – to change the world of money and finance.

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Blockchain Essentials by Cognitive Class AI

Understand blockchain technology and how it can solve business problems. Learn the basics of developing applications with chain code. The video lectures and lab in this course help you learn about blockchain for business and explore key use cases that demonstrate how the technology adds value. After completing this course you’ll get a certificate too (for free).

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Best Blockchain Guide for Beginners by Codies Alert

If you are just starting with your Blockchain Journey, this is a Perfect course for you to understand how exactly Blockchain works. Course includes animated videos to make things interesting and clear. At the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of Blockchain and how it works under the hood. In this course also, you’ll get a certificate too (for free).

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Blockchain 101 by Cadena

A high level overview of what the blockchain is, how it works, and its use cases. No coding required in this course and you’ll also earn a certificate of completion for free.

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Blockchain Foundation Program by KBI

The Blockchain Foundation Program aims to provide a well-rounded understanding of blockchain basics. The course distinct concepts like decentralization, peer-to-peer networking, smart contract automation, etc. It acts as a one-stop blockchain dictionary briefing blockchain principles and additional resources to reference. In this course also, you’ll get a certificate too (for free).

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Fundamentals of Blockchain Course by OpenQuest

In this course you will be creating a simple blockchain in Python. The aim of this course is to introduce programmers who are looking to get into blockchain technology and are looking for a solid starting point where they can actually put some concepts into practice.

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How does Ethereum Work? – A Deepdive by Meta School

This deep dive will make it easier for you to understand what Ethereum Blockchain is and how it works.

The Course Curriculum Covers:

  • The Ethereum Blockchain Paradigm
  • How are transactions executed?
  • The model of execution
  • How mining of proof of work happens?
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Ethereum Programming by Moralis Web3

The course is divided into small parts:

  • Getting your environment set up
  • Creating a local blockchain and sending transactions
  • Fund your wallets with testnet ETH
  • Demonstrating the mini app
  • Building the Login Component
  • Building the Dashboard
  • Get Transactions
  • Get NFTs
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Ethereum 101 by Cadena

Learn the ins and out of the Ethereum blockchain. Create a smart contract and create your own DAPP. Coding Experience is required and you’ll also earn a certificate of completion for free.

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Ethereum Fundamentals by KBI

The course is designed to provide candidates with a rich introductory understanding of decentralized application development on the Ethereum blockchain. The free course helps in mastering Ethereum development fundamentals that individuals become primed in developing smart contracts and decentralized applications on Ethereum blockchain. In this course also, you’ll get a certificate too (for free).

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Ethereum Course by OpenQuest

Most of the smart contract for Ethereum are written in Solidity. To do this course, it’s helpful to have atleast some basic knowledge of programming fundamentals and any other language like Python or Javascript. The course is divided into different quests where you’ll learn about various topics like mapping, array, functions, launching your own coin, sending notification in Ethereum, building your own staking contract, etc.

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Solidity for Blockchain – Step-By-Step Course by DApp University

In this course, You’ll learn about Solidity Smart Contract, Variables, Data Types, and Structs, Arrays, Mappings. Loops, If, Else, Code Cryptocurrency Payments, Smart Contract Inheritance, and more.

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Solidity Course by Eat The Blocks

You’ll go through the following things in this course:

  • Introduction To Solidity
  • Remix IDE
  • Structure Of Smart Contract
  • Variable Types And Declaring A Function
  • Interacting And Declaring with Smart Contract
  • Function And Variable Visibility
  • ERC20 Token Transfers
  • Constructor And Modifiers
  • And More
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Introduction to Solidity by ChainShot

If you have a bit of experience in JavaScript and wants to take a deep dive into Smart Contracts, then this course is for you.

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Discover Ethereum and Solidity by Ludu

In this course, You’ll learn how to create a complete DApp from start to finish, using common best practices from the Ethereum ecosystem. By the end of the tutorial, you will have all the skills required to design your own smart contracts in Solidity, hooking them up to a modern web interface, and create your very own token sale to help you successfully kickstart future blockchain projects.

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Solidity Zero to Hero Course by Codies Alert

Learn how to create decentralized applications on Ethereum Blockchain. Solidity is by far the most adopted language to write Web3 Dapps. After the end of this course, You will have a good amount of knowledge of Solidity language and also you will learn how to create and deploy Dapps on Ethereum Virtual machine. In this course also, you’ll get a certificate too (for free).

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Etherjs Course by ChainShot

The Ethers.js course is a free course designed to help students learn how to interact with the blockchain via specialized API queries using the ethers.js library. This course is for those who are proficient in the Javascript programming language, familiar with how smart contracts work in general and understands general Ethereum concepts like wallets and token balances.

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Introduction to Smart Contracts by Defi Academy

In this course you will learn:

  • How smart contracts work
  • Learn to develop smart contracts
  • How to deploy smart contracts to the Ethereum Blockchain.

The prerequisite for joining this course is you should atleast have 1 year of experience working with any programming language.

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NFT Course by Cadena

Learn to create an NFT and deploy it to OpenSea using Polygon. You will also learn about IPFS for storage. After completing this course you’ll also get a certificate of completion.

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Blockchain Professional Course by BlockDegree

The Ethereum Development Training Course is designed for those seeking an in-depth understanding and development experience of the Ethereum Blockchain platform. Due to the technical programming lab content covered in this course, it is not recommended for those without programming knowledge and experience.

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Learn Web3 with Web3 Courses

This course is an intensive six-week training program for aspiring developers and educators in smart contract and dApp development. In this program, You’ll learn about Intro to Blockchain & Smart Contracts, Exploring Smart Contracts, Writing Smart Contracts in Solidity, Working with a Local Blockchain, Connecting to Web Apps, Deploying to Testnet and more.

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DeFi Programming Course by Eat The Blocks

This course is divided in to 11 small videos where author will take you through introduction to DeFi for Developers, Building Blocks On DeFi, Interaction with DAI, UniSwap, Lending & Borrowing Tokens on Compound, Build a Prediction market with Solidity & Gnosis, and more.

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We’ve spent hours to collect this free web3 courses from web3 developers recommendations on various blogs, from the comments of reddit and twitter, from discord conversations, from github repositories and the rest from the internet.

If you found this article helpful and valuable, please share it with your friends as well as on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social medias. If you have any other best web3 course that is not listed here, Please share it with us on any of our social account. We’ll surely consider your recommendation. And thanks for reading till the end.

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