Roadmaps For Machine Learning, Data Science, Web And App Dev


In this article, we’ll go through 10 to 12 roadmaps and mindmaps for various topics like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Engineer, Web Development (it includes three different roadmaps that are Frontend, Backend, and DevOps development), Android, iOS and Swift.

Artificial Intelligence Roadmap 2024

Artificial Intelligence Roadmap 2024

Artificial intelligence is a broad and dynamic field that can quickly overwhelm a beginner. This “AI Expert Roadmap” aims to give you, as a learner, an idea of the landscape, guide you on what to learn next, and not just pick up what is hip and trendy.

Using these roadmaps, you should develop some understanding of why one tool is better than another in some cases and learn to remember that hip and trendy never means best suited for the job.

Artificial Intelligence Roadmap

As shown in the above image, the Artificial Intelligence roadmap begins with the fundamentals. To explore the fundamentals in detail, check out the resources given here

Machine Learning Roadmap 2024

This machine learning roadmap will help you join the dots between different concepts, which is paramount when learning a topic because rather than learning a single topic in isolation, you start to understand how it pieces together with everything else.

This roadmap is divided into five branches:

1st Branch: Machine learning problems – what are the main problems in machine learning?

2nd Branch: Machine learning process – how do you go about solving a typical machine learning problem?

3rd Branch: Machine learning tools – what tools can you use to build the solutions you’re after?

4th Branch: Machine learning mathematics – machine learning is a combination of several branches of mathematics, what are these?

5th branch: Machine learning resources – how can you and where should you go to learn all of the above?

A Mini Version of the ML Roadmap is here:

Machine Learning Roadmap

Wait, in the above image the number shows the sub-branches linked with the main branches. And to check all the sub-branches, you need to see the Hulk version.

The Hulk version is consuming 20Mb and I can’t eat 20 Mb from the user’s smartphone, just to load the roadmap. So, I decided to provide a direct download link to the whole roadmap: 2024 Machine Learning Roadmap

Recommended Web Stories And Articles:

5 Machine Learning Mindmaps

The mindmaps are slightly different as it summarizes and explains machine learning concepts from Data Analysis to Deep Learning. These mindmaps are also branched into different nerves

1st Nerve: Machine Learning Processes

Machine Learning Mindmap

2nd Nerve: Data Processing in Machine Learning

Machine Learning Mindmap

3rd Nerve: Various Machine Learning Concepts

Machine Learning Mindmap

4th Nerve: Machine Learning Models

Machine Learning Mindmap

Download the PDF version of all the Machine Learning Mindmaps: PDF of 1st Nerve + 2nd Nerve + 3rd Nerve + 4th Nerve + Bonus Nerve (Math for ML)

Deep Learning Roadmap 2024

Deep Learning is part of a broader family of Machine Learning methods based on learning data representations, as opposed to task-specific algorithms.

Learning can be supervised, partially supervised, or unsupervised. These mind maps cover concepts, architectures, and more.

What’s Covered:

Concepts – A partial list of the building blocks of Deep Learning architectures, with notes on the mathematics behind each component.

Deep Learning Roadmap 2022

Architectures – Different Deep Learning architectures have been developed depending on the question being answered. Here’s a list of some of them and notes on tuning.

Deep Learning Roadmap

Tensorflow – TensorFlow is an open-source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. The mindmap lists some of its components, packages, and overall architecture.

Deep Learning Mindmap

Download the PDF version from here: 2024 Deep Learning Roadmap

Data Engineer Roadmap 2024

This roadmap aims to give a complete picture of the modern data engineering landscape and serve as a study guide for aspiring data engineers.

Beginners shouldn’t feel overwhelmed by the vast number of tools and frameworks listed here. A typical data engineer would master a subset of these tools throughout several years depending on his/her company and career choices.

What’s covered in this Roadmap?

  1. CS fundamentals
  2. Programming Languages
  3. Types of Testing
  4. Database Fundamentals
  5. Relational and Non-Relational databases
  6. Data warehouses
  7. Object storages
  8. Cluster computing fundamentals
  9. Dives into Data processing
  10. Monitoring Data Pipelines
  11. And More

To learn more about the data engineer roadmap, check out the image.

data engineer roadmap

Download Data Engineer Roadmap (High Quality Image): Data Engineer Roadmap 2024

Recommended Web Stories And Articles:

Data Science Roadmap 2024

This roadmap is based on the author’s experience in data science. This is not the be-all and end-all learning plan. You can adapt this roadmap to better suit any specific domain or field of study that interests you.

Data Science Roadmap 2022

What’s covered?

  1. Starting with Programming (i.e. Python)
  2. Data Collection and Wrangling (Cleaning)
  3. Exploratory Data Analysis, Business Acumen, and Storytelling
  4. Data Engineering
  5. Applied Statistics and Mathematics
  6. Machine Learning and AI required for Data Science
  7. Projects

Resources required to learn all the stuff mentioned in the above image are given here

Data Scientist Roadmap 2024

A Roadmap or a modern learning plan that one can use in this becoming a data scientist journey. The author took inspiration from the metro maps and used them to depict the learning path. He organized the overall plan progressively into the following areas or domains.

The roadmap is branched and sub-branched into a spider’s web. Branches are as follows and for sub-branches you have to move your eyes to the big image shown below

  1. Fundamentals
  2. Statistics
  3. Programming
  4. Machine Learning
  5. Text Mining / Natural Language Processing
  6. Data Visualization
  7. Big Data
  8. Data Ingestion
  9. Data Munging
  10. Toolbox
Data Scientist Roadmap 2022

Android Developer Roadmap 2024

The intent of this guide is to give you an idea about the Android development landscape and to help guide your learning if you are confused. The Bigger version of the roadmap is here

Android Developer Roadmap 2022

Resources required to learn all the stuffs mentioned in the above image are given here

iOS Developer and Swift Developer Roadmap

The iOS and Swift developer roadmap will take you from learning the basics to launching a Se3y app. Let’s break this roadmap a little.

The roadmap will start with basics where you have to choose where to go i.e. towards swift or towards objective-c.

Then after picking a path, you will look after common topics like Mobile Human Interface Guidelines, iOS technologies, Cocoa design patterns, network programming, and more. Then it’s time to move and dig more. To dig more, please check out the images given below

Mobile Developer

Mobile Developer

iOS Developer Roadmap

ios developer roadmap

Swift Developer Roadmap

Swift Developer Roadmap

2024 Web Development Roadmaps

2022 Web Development Roadmaps

Front End Developer Roadmap 2024

Front End Developer Roadmap 2022

Back End Developer Roadmap 2024

Back End Developer Roadmap 2022

DevOps Roadmap 2024

DevOps Roadmap 2022

Note: The credits of all the images posted here go to their respective owners.

That’s it. We hope you like it. This is not the end. We will update it whenever we dig it more. If you like these roadmaps, then please share them with your friends as well as with your colleagues. And please stay tuned with us because the next post will be something related to this.

In the upcoming post, we’ll share some roadmaps for specific languages like Flutter Developer Roadmap, Kotlin Developer Roadmap, Python Developer Roadmap, Machine Learning Engineer Roadmap 2024, JavaScript Developer Roadmap, C++ Developer Roadmap and more. So, Stay tuned!

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