OpenAI Sent ChatGPT Takedown Notices To Google

According to Google’s transparency report, ‘OpenAI’ has requested to remove several search results related to ChatGPT. The links mentioned in the DMCA notice (pic shown below) include some apps and websites.

OpenAI, the parent company, may be concerned that third parties are exploiting the ChatGPT model without consent. This is indicated by a recent DMCA takedown notice that was sent to Google.

Several links related to ChatGPT have been targeted by a takedown request sent by OpenAI. This includes the ChatGod app, which has already been taken down from Google Play, and the Chat AI Pro app for iOS.

The takedown notice is not limited to apps, as it also includes a PC Guide article containing information about the chatbot, which seems weird and debatable.

OpenAI Sent ChatGPT Takedown Notices To Google

This is not the initial instance where OpenAI has submitted a takedown notice that appears on Google’s transparency report. In December, a comparable DMCA request asked for the removal of a GitHub repository for an AI writing tool.

Unfortunately, ChatGPT is unable to verify the authenticity of the notices. However, the AI language model clarified that OpenAI may have previously submitted DMCA requests to Google since it is a common legal mechanism for requesting the removal of copyrighted material from search results.

The AI model also provided some additional information, explaining that OpenAI typically does not request the removal of URLs that contain legitimate ChatGPT-related content. This includes articles that discuss the technology or apps that use ChatGPT with proper authorization.

chatgpt dmca notice

ChatGPT also confirmed that the AI model is not behind these takedown notifications since it lacks the legal authority or capacity for initiating legal actions like DMCA requests.

openai dmca notice to google

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