100+ Best GitHub Repositories For Machine Learning

There are millions of GitHub repos and filtering them is an insane amount of work. It takes a huge time, effort, and a lot more. We have done this for you.

In this article, we’ll share a curated list of 100+ widely-known, recommended, and most popular repositories and open source GitHub projects for Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

So without further ado, Let’s see all the hubs created by experts as well as big organizations.

Table Of Contents 👉

Best GitHub Repository For Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning for Beginners
  • Machine Learning Interviews From FAANG
  • Latest Free Machine learning Courses (On YouTube)
  • Machine Learning with Python
  • 880 Awesome Open-Source Machine Learning Projects
  • Machine Learning Cheat Sheets
  • Awesome TensorFlow and Reinforcement Learning
  • Machine Learning Algorithms in Python
  • Best Free Resources To Learn Machine Learning
Best Machine Learning GitHub Repositories

Awesome Machine Learning

In this repo, You’ll get a curated list of awesome machine-learning frameworks, libraries, and software.

Machine Learning for Beginners (A Curriculum)

Microsoft has created a free MIT-approved learning course titled “Machine Learning For Beginners” to teach students the basics of machine learning.

The curriculum covers: What techniques ML researchers use to build Machine Learning Models, How to build linear and polynomial regression models, How to build a web app to use your trained model, etc.

ML Glossary

Brief visual explanations of machine learning concepts with diagrams, code examples, and links to resources for learning more.

The goal of the glossary is to present content in the most accessible way possible, with a heavy emphasis on visuals and interactive diagrams.

Homemade Machine Learning

This GitHub repo covers python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained.

ML Residency

In this GitHub repo, You’ll find curated AI and ML Residency Programs from top companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, NVIDIA, Intel and more.

Machine Learning Pipeline

An in-depth machine learning tutorial introducing readers to a whole machine learning pipeline from scratch. This tutorial tries to do what most Machine Learning tutorials available online do not.

It is not a 30-minute tutorial that teaches you how to “Train your own neural network” or “Learn deep learning in under 30 minutes”.

Machine Learning Courses On YouTube

This repository indexes and organizes the latest machine learning courses found on YouTube.

If you’re a beginner then you must check this repo once before you move on to other articles or below given list.

This is one of the best GitHub repositories & open source machine learning projects with summaries related to all the ML courses.

Machine Learning Notes

It contains continuously updated Machine Learning, Probabilistic Models and Deep Learning notes and demos (2000+ slides).

Topics covered in this notes are Neural Networks Gaussian Process and Neural Tangent Kernel Initialization, Inference, Regression methods, etc.

Machine Learning for Software Engineers

An approach to studying Machine Learning that is mainly hands-on and abstracts most of the Math for the beginner. This approach is unconventional because it’s the top-down and results-first approach designed for software engineers.

Applied Machine Learning

Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.

Papers Reading Roadmap

If you are a newcomer to the Deep Learning area, the first question you may have is “Which paper should I start reading from?” Check out the reading roadmap of Deep Learning papers given in this repo!

Machine Learning Interviews

Machine Learning Interviews from FAAG, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. The author has created this repo on the basis of his personal experience.

Production Machine Learning

This repository contains a curated list of awesome open source libraries that will help you deploy, monitor, version, scale, and secure your production machine learning.

Interactive Tools

This is one of the best and most recommended GitHub repos for all machine learning practitioners.

You will find interactive and visualization tools that will help you understand Bert, Convolution Neural Networks, GANs, Probability, Statistics, and other topics of deep learning and machine learning.

Foundation Of ML

Using this repo, You can learn the foundations of ML through intuitive explanations, clean code, and visuals. Also, You can learn how to apply ML to build a production-grade product to deliver value.

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  • Take A Look At This Updated Collection Of Free Or Best Machine Learning Books For Beginners, Intermediate, And Advanced enthusiasts: 100+ Free Machine Learning Books

Best of Machine Learning with Python

This curated list contains 880 awesome open-source projects on Data Visualization, NLP, Time Series, Distributed Machine Learning, Data Pipelines & Streaming, etc.

This is considered as one of the best GitHub repositories and open source machine learning projects for beginners, intermediate, and advanced ML enthusiasts.

Practical Reinforcement Learning

In this repository, You’ll find an open course on reinforcement learning in the wild. This course has been already taught on-campus at HSE and YSDA and maintained to be friendly to online students.


Expert’s Curated Blogs, Articles, Videos, Papers, Codes, Books, Talks, Newsletters, and more on Machine Learning Operations.

Machine Learning Projects And Tutorials

In this repository, you will find tutorials and projects related to Machine Learning. The author has tried to make the code as clear as possible, and the goal is be to used as a learning resource and a way to look up problems to solve specific problems.


A list of summer schools in machine learning & related fields across the globe.

Deep Learning For Music

A non-exhaustive list of scientific articles, thesis, and reports on deep learning for music.

ML Surveys

Survey papers summarizing advances in deep learning, NLP, CV, graphs, reinforcement learning, recommendations, graphs, etc.

Paper Code Interpretation

Collection of Cvpr2021, Cvpr2020, Cvpr2019, Cvpr2018, and Cvpr2017 thesis/code/interpretation/live broadcast, papers, and projects.

Deep Learning In Production

In this repository, You’ll find some useful notes and references about deploying deep learning-based models in production.

Deep Learning Paper Implementations

A collection of simple PyTorch implementations of neural networks and related algorithms. These implementations are documented with explanations and side-by-side notes.

Public Datasets

A topic-centric list of high-quality open datasets for Machine Learning, Time Series, NLP, Image Processing, and more.

Awesome TensorFlow

A curated list of awesome TensorFlow Tutorials, Models/Projects, Libraries, Tools/Utilities, Videos, Papers, Articles, Communities, Books, and more.

Deep Learning Drizzle

Drench yourself in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and NLP by learning from these exciting lectures!

Machine Learning on Source Code

A curated list of awesome research papers, and software projects devoted to ML and source code.

Autonomous Vehicles

Courses, Papers, Research Labs, Datasets, Open Source Software, Hardware, Toys, Companies, Media, and Laws related to Autonomous Vehicles.

GANs Applications & Demonstrations

A curated list of awesome GAN tutorials, applications, projects, research papers, and demos.

Computer Vision

Awesome Papers, Software, Datasets, Pre-trained Computer Vision Models, Tutorials, Talks, Blogs, Links and Songs related to Computer Vision.


This repository has a collection of the best tutorials, projects, libraries, papers, and anything related to the incredible PyTorch.

Awesome NLP

A curated list of Research Summaries and Trends, Prominent NLP Research Labs, Reading Content, Videos and Courses, Books, Libraries, Datasets, and Annotation Tools dedicated to Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Have Fun with Machine Learning

An absolute beginner’s guide to Machine Learning and Image Classification with Neural Networks. A hands-on guide to machine learning for programmers with no background in AI.

Production Deep Learning

A guideline for building practical production-level deep learning systems to be deployed in real-world applications.

Awesome Reinforcement Learning

A handpicked collection of Lectures, Books, Surveys, Papers / Thesis, Codes, Tutorials / Websites, Online Demos, and Open Source Reinforcement Learning Platforms related to Reinforcement Learning.

Machine Learning Cheat Sheets

The goal of this repository is to consolidate all the crucial concepts taught in Stanford’s CS Machine Learning course, along with providing Refresher materials on related topics to emphasize the essential points of the course prerequisites.

It also includes cheat sheets for various machine learning fields, as well as a dedicated section for tips and tricks to keep in mind during model training.

This repository is widely regarded as one of the top free resources for beginners interested in machine learning and is highly recommended for anyone looking to learn about machine learning.

Deep Learning Papers

This repo covers the most cited papers on various topics like Image Segmentation / Object Detection, Natural Language Processing / RNNs, Reinforcement Learning / Robotics, and more.

Machine learning Basics

This repository contains implementations of basic machine learning algorithms in plain Python (Python Version). All algorithms are implemented from scratch without using additional machine learning libraries.

The intention of these notebooks is to provide a basic understanding of the algorithms and their underlying structure, not to provide the most efficient implementations.

Machine Learning Videos

This is a collection of amazing recorded talks at machine learning conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools, and miscellaneous programs.

Awesome Youtubers

An awesome list of awesome YouTubers who teach about technology.

Machine Learning Tutorials

This repository contains a topic-wise curated list of Deep Learning tutorials, articles, and other resources.

Awesome Deep Learning

A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, video lectures, research papers, blogs, datasets, frameworks, researchers, conferences, tools, projects, free books pdf, and communities.

Speech and Natural Language Processing

A curated list of speech and natural language processing resources. It includes Finite State Toolkits and Regular Expressions, Language Modelling Toolkits, Speech Recognition Tools, Signal Processing Tools, Machine Translation Tools, Blogs, Books, and more.

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Machine Learning with Python

This Repository contains Python codes for essential and common machine learning algorithms like Random Forest, Linear Regressions, Support Vector Machines, and more.

This repo is also considered as one of the best GitHub repositories for Machine Learning practitioners.

3D Machine Learning

It covers Courses, Datasets for D Models, Research Papers for D Pose Estimation, Single Object Classification, Multiple Objects Detection, Scene/Object Semantic Segmentation, Texture/Material Analysis and Synthesis, and more.


A comprehensive updated list of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning Tutorials. In addition, You will also find deep learning blogs along with RSS links.

Machine Learning Applications in Industry

A curated list of applied machine learning and data science notebooks and libraries across different industries.

Machine Learning Mindmap

A Mindmap summarizing Machine Learning concepts, from Data Analysis to Deep Learning.

Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks

Practice and tutorial-style notebooks covering a wide variety of machine learning techniques. Jupyter notebooks covers a wide range of functions and operations on the topics of NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, etc.

Tutorial-type notebooks covers regression, classification, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and some basic neural network algorithms.

Financial Machine Learning and Data Science

A curated list of practical financial machine learning tools and applications. This collection is primarily in Python.

Machine Learning Interpretability

A curated list of awesome machine learning interpretability resources. Resources include Comprehensive Software Examples and Tutorials, Government and Regulatory Documents, Review and General papers, Classes, and more.

Bayesian Machine Learning Notebooks

This repository is a collection of notebooks about Bayesian Machine Learning.

State-of-the-art results for all Machine Learning Problems

This repository provides state-of-the-art (SoTA) results for all machine learning problems.

Machine Learning for Cyber Security

A handpicked list of tools and resources related to the use of machine learning for cyber security.

Awesome Artificial Intelligence

A curated list of Artificial Intelligence courses, books, video lectures, competitions, AI newsletters, Free books, and papers.

Start Machine Learning in 2024

A complete guide to start and improve in machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) in without any background in the field and stay up-to-date with the latest news and state-of-the-art techniques!


A huge list of Artificial Intelligence, Deep learning, Computer vision, NLP, and Machine learning Projects with source code.

Machine Learning Surveys

A curated list of Surveys, Tutorials, and Books on Active Learning, Bioinformatics, Multi-Armed Bandit, Transfer Learning, etc.

Machine Learning From Scratch

Bare bones NumPy implementations of machine learning models and algorithms with a focus on accessibility. It aims to cover everything from linear regression to deep learning.

System for ML

A curated list of research in machine learning systems. In this repo, You’ll also find the summary of some of the most interesting research papers.

Quant Machine Learning Trading

Quant/Algorithm trading resources with an emphasis on Machine Learning. Resources covered by the machine learning research engineer include YouTube videos, blogs and articles, interviews, research papers, codes, and more

ML for Cyber Security

A curated list of awesome resources related to the use of machine learning for cyber security.

Machine Learning Algorithms

A collection of minimal and clean implementations of machine learning algorithms. This repo is targeting people who want to learn internals of ML algorithms or implement them from scratch.

Stock Prediction Models

A helpful list of machine learning and deep learning models for Stock forecasting.

Deep Learning Projects

In this repo, There are specific bite-sized projects to learn an aspect of deep learning from scratch. The projects are in order from beginner to more advanced but feel free to skip around.


Simple Implementation of machine learning and deep learning models. The original implementations are quite complex and not really beginner-friendly. The author has created this repo to break that complexity and tried to simplify most of it.

Deep Vision

A curated list of deep learning Papers, Courses, Books, Videos, Tutorials, Blogs, and Software for computer vision.

Deep Learning Project Ideas

A Handpicked collection of 30+ Natural Language Processing, Recommender Systems, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning Project Ideas.

Multimodal ML

Research Papers for Multimodal Machine Learning. Apart from papers, You’ll also find Datasets, Workshops, Tutorials, and Courses on Multimodal ML.

TensorFlow without a PhD

A crash course in six episodes for software developers who want to learn machine learning, with examples, theoretical concepts, engineering tips, tricks, and best practices to build and train the neural networks that solve your problems.

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Machine Learning With Ruby

A curated list comprises data sources, tutorials, and presentations for Machine Learning.

Graph-based Deep Learning

The repository contains links primarily to conference publications in graph-based deep learning.

Image Classification

A curated list of top deep learning image classification papers and codes.

Deep Learning Papers By Task

Papers about deep learning ordered by task, and date. Current state-of-the-art papers are labeled.

Deep Learning For Tracking & Detection

You’ll find papers, datasets, code, and other resources for object tracking and detection using deep learning.

Graph Deep Learning

A comprehensive collection of recent papers on deep learning for graphs.

Awesome Python

A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software, and resources.


A list of 100+ project-based OpenCV articles and their codes.


This repository contains Artificial Intelligence Roadmap, Machine Learning Roadmap, Deep Learning Roadmap, Big Data Roadmap, and Data Science Roadmap.


A collection of image annotation, video annotation, semantic segmentation, and data labeling tools.

Reinforcement Learning

A series of simple Reinforcement Learning Methods and Tutorials covering basic RL Algorithms to recently updated advanced algorithms.

NLP Overview

This GitHub repo contains an overview of recent trends in deep learning-based natural language processing (NLP). It covers the theoretical descriptions and implementation details behind deep learning models, such as RNNs, CNNs, and reinforcement learning, used to solve various NLP tasks and applications.

Text Summarization

A curated list of resources dedicated to text summarization.

Community Detection

A curated list of community detection research papers with implementations.


A curated list of automated deep learning (including neural architecture search and hyper-parameter optimization) resources.

Knowledge Graphs

A collection of Software, Tools, Courses, Tutorials, Seminars, Related Github Repos, Research Papers, and more on Knowledge Graphs.

NLP & Machine Learning Surveys

A collection of 700+ survey papers on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML)

Style Transfer In Text

This is a paper list for style transfer in text. It also contains some related research areas, including controlled text generation.

Awesome Pytorch

A comprehensive list of pytorch related content on Git Hub, such as different models, research paper implementations, tutorials, etc.

Textual Adversarial Attack and Defense

A collection of must-read papers on Textual Adversarial Attack and Defense.

NLP Tasks

A Handpicked List of Natural Language Processing Tasks, Projects, Papers, Challenges, and Selected References.

Courses And Video Lectures

A Huge Collection of free Image Processing, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning related courses and video lectures.

3D Reconstruction

A curated list of papers & resources linked to D reconstruction from images.

Human Pose Estimation

If you want to learn the basics of Human Pose Estimation and understand how the field has evolved, check out this repo filled with curated papers and free resources.

Pretrained Models

A collection of 100+ computer vision pre-trained models.

Text Detection and Recognition

A curated list of resources for text detection/recognition (optical character recognition) with deep learning methods.

Image To Image

A collection of image-to-image papers. Papers are ordered in arXiv first version submitting time (if applicable).

Capsule Networks

A List of Videos, Blogs, Papers with Source Code and Implementations, and other resources related to capsule networks.

Synthetic Computer Vision

A list of synthetic datasets and tools for computer vision. This is a repo for tracking the progress of using synthetic images for computer vision research.

Neural Rendering

A collection of papers, implementations, and other resources on neural rendering.

TensorFlow 2.x Tutorials

TensorFlow 2.x version’s Tutorials and Examples, including CNN, RNN, GAN, Auto-Encoders, FasterRCNN, GPT, BERT examples, etc.

Data Augmentation

In this repo, You’ll find a curated list of useful data augmentation resources. You will also find here some not common techniques, libraries, links to Github repos, papers, and others.

Time Series in Python

This repo contains a list of popular Python packages for time series analysis

Anomaly Detection

A curated list of awesome anomaly detection papers and their source code.


This repo has a curated list of automated machine learning papers, articles, tutorials, slides, and projects.

Deep / Algorithmic Trading

A collection of code, papers, and resources for AI/deep learning/machine learning/neural networks applied to algorithmic trading.

Action Recognition

A curated list of Action Recognition, Action Classification, Object Recognition, and Pose Estimation Resources.

Object Detection

In this repo, You’ll find a list of awesome articles about object detection. If you want to read the paper according to time, you can refer to Date.

Pattern Classification

A collection of tutorials and examples for solving and understanding machine learning and pattern classification tasks.

Satellite Imagery

This repository explores different machine learning techniques people are applying to common problems in satellite imagery analysis.

Effective TensorFlow 2

In this repo, You’ll find best Practices and Tutorials on TensorFlow.

TensorFlow Tutorials

A collection of updated tutorials for TensorFlow. This repository is intended for those who are beginning their journey in Deep Learning and Tensorflow.

Adversarial Nets Papers

You will find awesome papers about Generative Adversarial Networks. The majority of papers are related to Image Translation, Facial Attribute Manipulation, Generative Models, Image Inpainting, GAN Theory, and more.

Paper Summaries

This repository contains a list of NLP paper summaries intended to make NLP techniques approachable and accessible.

The contributors and authors have identified and listed several important papers with summaries in this repository. In this list, this is considered as one of the best GitHub repositories and open source machine learning projects.

Deep Learning.AI Course Summary

This repository contains the author’s personal notes and summaries on DeepLearning.ai specialization courses.

Deep Learning Roadmap

The author has created a deep learning roadmap for all the beginners. This roadmap repository contains a collection of resources like tutorials, free courses, blogs, papers, and a lot more.


In this repo, You’ll find a collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art machine learning models in the ONNX format.

Self Supervised Learning

A curated list of awesome self-supervised learning Graphs, Talks, Thesis, Blogs, surveys, papers, and a lot more.

NLP Best Practices

This repository contains examples / best practices for building NLP systems, provided as Jupyter notebooks and utility functions.

Face Recognition

In this repo, You’ll find papers about Face Detection, Face Alignment, Face Recognition, Face Reconstruction, Face Tracking, Face Super-Resolution, Face Generation, Face Transfer, Face Anti-Spoofing and Face Retrieval

Open Source Projects

This repo contains popular GitHub projects related to deep learning that are provided and rated according to stars.

Recommender System

This repository provides a curated list of papers about Recommender Systems including comprehensive surveys, general recommender systems, social recommender systems, exploration and exploitation problems in recommender systems, and more.

Visual Tracking Papers

In this repo, You’ll find a mindmap of deep learning and visual tracking papers.

Computational Advertising Papers

A collection of computing advertising-related papers and learning materials that have been implemented or read in the work and shared with the industry, as a summary of their own work, and hope to bring convenience to students in computing advertising-related industries.

60 Days Of Deep Reinforcement Learning

Learn Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning topics in days! In this repo, You’ll find everything well arranged from articles, tutorials, YouTube videos, papers implementations, projects, and codes.

Machine Learning Papers Summaries

Short summaries of some of the best machine learning papers.

Tracking & Detection

A collection of papers, datasets, code, and other resources for object tracking and detection using deep learning.

DeepLearn Implementation

This repository contains an implementation of some popular research papers on NLP, ML, and Deep Learning.

ML Notebooks

A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn.

100 Days of Machine Learning Challenge

A machine learning challenge repo with insightful infographics, tutorials, codes, and more. Take this challenge and start diving into machine learning coding.

Awesome AWS

A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. Featuring the Fiery Meter of AWSome.

Deep Learning Research Papers

A list of recent papers regarding deep learning and deep reinforcement learning. They are sorted by time to see the recent papers first.

Core ML Models

The largest collection of machine learning models in Core ML format, to help iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS developers experiment with machine learning techniques.

A list of useful Java tools, frameworks, libraries, and Hello Worlds examples for Machine learning Practitioners.

The GAN Zoo

Every week, new GAN papers are coming out and it’s hard to keep track of them all, not to mention the incredibly creative ways in which researchers are naming these GANs! So, In this repo, You’ll find a list of what started as a fun activity compiling all named GANs!

Decision Tree Research Papers

A collection of research papers on decision, classification, and regression trees with implementations.

PyTorch Image Models

PyTorch image models, scripts, pre-trained weights — ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, EfficientNetV, NFNet, Vision Transformer, MixNet, MobileNet-V/V, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, and more.


In this repo, You’ll find a curated list of robotics libraries and simulators.

Machine Learning in Asset Management

A small list of 25+ research papers for Machine Learning in Asset Management.

From Zero to Research Scientist Full Resources Guide

This guide is designated to anybody with basic programming knowledge or a computer science background interested in becoming a Research Scientist with a target on Deep Learning and NLP.

Machine Learning Interviews

The purpose of this repository is to provide a comprehensive guide for preparing for technical interviews in the field of Machine Learning and AI.

It has been created based on the author’s personal experience and notes from their own preparation for ML interviews, during which they received job offers from Facebook (ML Specialist), Google (ML Engineer), Amazon (Applied Scientist), etc.

Deep Learning For Graphs

A comprehensive collection of recent papers on graph deep learning.

Machine Learning Tutorials

This is a compilation of machine learning tutorials primarily written in Python.

The material seeks to find a good equilibrium between mathematical notations and practical implementation using Python’s scientific libraries such as numpy, numba, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, and more.

It is widely regarded as one of the top machine learning GitHub repositories.

TensorFlow Examples

TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners. This tutorial was designed for easily diving into TensorFlow, through examples.

Quantum Machine Learning

In this repo, You will find resources related to Quantum Machine Learning Basics, Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms, Quantum Neural Networks, Quantum Statistical Data Analysis, Quantum Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computer Vision, and more.

GitHub repositories are like casinos with valuable resources that can kickstart your Machine Learning journey.

With the plenty of free resources above, you are well-equipped to learn about Machine learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence with your very own curriculum.

Wait, Bookmark this post as you may forget this list or even this website. One more thing, If you think we’ve missed any best repository or GitHub project for machine learning or deep learning, you can share it with us on any of our social media accounts.

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