50+ Best Resources To Learn Mathematics For Machine Learning

In this post, We’ve curated the brain-friendly and best free resources to learn essential mathematics for machine learning.

Resources covered in this post include websites, books, free courses, cheat sheets, GitHub repos, and a YouTube playlist for linear algebra, calculus, probability, statistics, optimization methods, and a lot more.

Let’s take a deep dive into each topic…

Maths For machine Learning

If you want to learn all the topics from a single book or a single course then the below given resources are the best for you.

Resources To Learn Maths For Machine Learning

And If you want to learn a specific topic in Maths for Machine Learning then go through the list given below

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Linear Algebra For Machine Learning

Why you should learn linear algebra for machine learning?

In machine learning, most of the time we deal with scalars and vectors, and matrices. For example in logistic regression, we do vector-matrix multiplication.

Sometimes we do clustering of input by using spectral clustering techniques, and for this, we need to know eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Linear algebra is also used in data preprocessing, data transformation, dimensionality reduction, and model evaluation.

What are some of the core topics you should learn in linear algebra?

Topics such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Eigen decomposition of a matrix, LU Decomposition, Symmetric Matrices, Matrix Operations, Projections, Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors, Vector Spaces and Norms are needed for understanding the optimization methods used for machine learning

Best Free Resources To Learn Linear Algebra For Machine Learning

Best Websites To Learn Linear Algebra For Machine Learning

Best YouTube Videos To Learn Linear Algebra For Machine Learning

Best Courses To Learn Linear Algebra For Machine Learning

Best Books To Learn Linear Algebra For Machine Learning

Best Linear Algebra Cheat Sheet For Machine Learning

Probability And Statistics For Machine Learning

What’s the use of probability and statistics in machine learning?

Probability helps you to manage uncertainty. Uncertainty means working with imperfect or incomplete information. In Machine Learning, we build predictive models from uncertain data.

However, we can manage uncertainty using the tools of probability. Whereas Statistics help you to count well, normalize well, obtain distributions, and find out the mean of your input feature, and its standard deviation.

That’s why knowledge of Probability and Statistics is important for machine learning.

What are some of the core topics you should learn in stats and probability?

Some of the fundamental Statistical and Probability Theories needed for ML are Combinatorics, Probability Rules & Axioms, Bayes’ Theorem, Random Variables, Standard Distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial, Multinomial, Uniform, and Gaussian), Moment Generating Functions, and more.

What are some of the best free resources to learn Probability and Statistics?

Best Websites, YouTube Videos, And Courses To Learn Probability And Statistics For Machine Learning

Best Books To Learn Probability And Statistics For Machine Learning

Best Probability And Statistics Cheat Sheets For Machine Learning

Calculus For Machine Learning

What’s the use of calculus in machine learning?

Calculus helps us to explain the relationships between input and output variables.

And Multivariate Calculus comes into the picture when you deal with a lot of features and huge data.

That’s why familiarity with multivariate calculus is essential for building a machine learning model.

What are some of the core topics you should learn in calculus?

Some of the necessary topics include Differential and Integral Calculus, Partial Derivatives, Vector-Values Functions, Directional Gradient, Hessian, Jacobian, Laplacian, and Lagrangian Distribution.

What are some of the best free resources to learn Calculus?

Best Websites And YouTube Playlists To Learn Calculus For Machine Learning

Best Courses To Learn Calculus For Machine Learning

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Optimization Methods & Other Topics For ML

What’s the use of optimization in machine learning?

Optimization methods are important to understand the computational efficiency and scalability of our Machine Learning Algorithm. In the end, mostly all Machine learning algorithms come down to some optimization tasks.

What are some core topics you should learn in optimization methods?

Knowledge of data structures (Binary Trees, Hashing, Heap, Stack, etc), Dynamic Programming, Randomized & Sublinear Algorithm, Graphs, Gradient/Stochastic Descents, and Primal-Dual methods is needed.

What are some of the best free resources to learn Optimization?

Best Website, YouTube Playlist, Books And Courses To Learn Optimization Methods And Other Machine Learning Topics

Despite the immense possibilities of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, a thorough mathematical understanding of many of these techniques is necessary for a good grasp of the inner workings of the algorithms and getting good results.

For that reason, we have curated and shared some of the best resources to learn essential mathematics for machine learning. We hope this curated list of resources for learning machine learning math will be helpful to you.

So, that’s it for now. If you have any doubt or questions or suggestion, feel free to share your it with us wherever you’re following us.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Kind Of Math Is Needed For Machine Learning?

Four key mathematical concepts are essential to machine learning. They are Statistics, Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Probability.

Do You Need To Be Good At Math For Machine Learning?

For beginners, you don’t need a lot of Mathematics to start doing Machine Learning. The fundamentals should be an additional benefit and helpful in the long run. You can learn the basics of maths behind machine learning from the above given brain friendly free resources.

Is Mathematics For Machine Learning Hard?

No, It’s not hard. If you think it’s hard, Just go through the above given brain friendly maths for machine learning resources.

What Are The Best Resources To Learn Essential Mathematics For Machine Learning?

Mathematics for Machine Learning PDF by Marc Peter Deisenroth, Maths of Machine Learning Course by MIT, Linear Algebra, Calculus and Probability of Machine Learning YouTube Playlist by Weights And Biases, etc, Are The Best Resources To Learn Essential Mathematics For Machine Learning.

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