70+ Jetpack Compose Examples, Samples, And Tutorials

Hi, Everyone; We hope you all are safe. Today, In this post, We’re going to share a handpicked list of 70+ tutorials.

These tutorials will take you through the various examples of how to implement, create and add anything to your Android App using Jetpack Compose.

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends because we are continuously updating this article.

These tutorials include step-by-step explanations of things like Animations, Layouts, Effects, Views, Buttons, and other essential stuff like Pagination, Progress bar, LazyColumn, Lazy Rows (Recycler View), Custom shapes, Navigation drawer, Alert dialog, Padding, Text fields, and more.

Let’s dive into the list of tutorials and learn Jetpack Compose from the below-given links:

Table Of Contents 👉

Jetpack Compose Examples and Tutorials

Jetpack Compose Examples and Tutorial

Learn How to Create Vertical Recycler View (Lazy Column in Compose) in Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Create Infinite Auto-Scrolling Lists with RecyclerView & LazyLists in Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Custom Shapes with Jetpack Compose

Demo, Tutorial & Code

How to Implement Shared Element Transition in Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Create Bottom Reveal Menu in Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Create Batman Login UI in Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Create a Bubble Backup Screen

DemoSource Code

How to Implement Neumorphism UI as shown below on Android using Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

List view with Pagination using Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Make Material Filter Chips that Overflow to Multiple Rows

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Add a Floating Action Button on your Screen using Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

Recommended Stories:

Progress Button using Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Add Search in List with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Radio button using Jetpack Compose

Tutorial, Demo & Code

How to Create Navigation Drawer as shown below with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to add Real-Time Lifecycle-Aware Updates with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Tabs with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Bottom Navigation Bar with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Make a View Zoomable using Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Rows and Columns with Jetpack Compose

Row Demo & CodeColumn Demo & Code

How to Create a Snackbar as shown below using Compose

Tutorial, Demo & Code

How to Create MapView in Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Add Dark Mode Capability in Your App

DemoTutorial And Code

How to add Image View in Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

Tab Bar in Compose [Code]

Arrangement Interfaces in Jetpack Compose

Tutorial, Demo And Code

How to Launch a Coroutine Inside a Composable

DemoTutorial And Code

Padding in Compose

Tutorial, Demo & Code

How to Create Horizontal Recycler View (LazyRow in Compose) in an Ease Way with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Borders Around Image or Any Shape in Jetpack Compose

Tutorial, Demo & Code

How to Create Linear and Discrete Sliders in Compose [Code]

How to Draw on Canvas

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create and Use Circular and Linear Progress Bar in Compose [Code]

How to Create a TextField with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Add and Display an Alert Dialog/Popup Modal

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create a Card using Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Custom View in Jetpack Compose [Code]

How to Create Checkboxes with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to take Text Input from a User in Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

Divider in Compose [Code]

How to Add Doom Fire Effect on Android using Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Animate Different Parts of Text using Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Display Text using Compose [Code]

How to Implement a Primitive Line Chart in Your App with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Display an Image in Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

Prime Table Generator in Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

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How to Create Switch using Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Align the Baseline of Two Views in Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code
DemoSource Code

How to Implement Ring of Circles Animation as shown below in your App using Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Create Shimmering Effect and Circular Reveal Animation with Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Create Dots Loading Animations with Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Create a Swiping Animation like the one given in the demo with Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Make an Animated Circular Progress Bar as shown below using Jetpack Compose

Tutorial And Code

How to create crossfade animation that can switch between Composables

DemoSource Code

How to Add Animations for Insertion or Deletion of a List Item in Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Create Instagram-like Particles Animation using Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Add Expandable Cards Animation in Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to add StarWar D Space Particle Animation with Jetpack Compose for Desktop

DemoSource Code

Single Value Float Animation using Compose [Code]

How to Make a 3D Animated Drop Down in Jetpack Compose

TutorialSource Code

How to Add Pull to Refresh Layout with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Staggered Vertical Grid Layout using Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Add Simple Constraint Layout in your App using Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

Scaffold Layout in Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code
Demo And Code

How to Add Swipe to Reveal Effect as shown below in your Android App with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Create Flocking Insect (bird or fish) Simulation with Jetpack Compose

DemoSource Code

How to Apply a Pulsating Effect as shown below on UI with Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Add Reveal Effect in your Android App using Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

How to Add Ripple Effect to a View using Jetpack Compose

DemoTutorial And Code

Collection of UIs and Animations Built with Jetpack Compose for Android Applications

In the below-attached GitHub repository, you will learn about

  • Learn How to Create an interactive parallax effect that rotates around in response to the user’s input gesture with Jetpack Compose [Demo]
  • How to create an Instagram chat UI with chat items gently shifting their background color between Purple (at the top) and Blue (at the bottom) depending upon their vertical position with Jetpack Compose [Demo]
  • Create a little Android trackpad with Jetpack Compose [Demo]
  • How to create a TV with Static effect using Jetpack Compose [Demo]

Essential Stuff: Code and Other Details

Another Collection of all Jetpack Compose UI Elements, Layouts, Widgets, and Demo Screens to see its Potential. Check out Demos, Tutorial, and Code from the below-given links

  • List & Layouts [Demo]
  • Widgets and Building Blocks [Demo]
  • Animations [Demo]
  • Shimmer Lists [Demo]
  • List Scroll Animations [Demo]

Essential Stuff: Other UI’s, Animations, Codes, and Details

Now, you’re all set to learn Jetpack Compose from examples, tutorials, and small task-based projects. We hope that these examples and tutorials made by industry experts and intermediate Android developers will be helpful to you.

Stay tuned with us because something more exciting is coming related to Jetpack Compose for Android. Don’t forget to share this curated list of 70+ Android Jetpack Compose Tutorials with your programming friends and other app developers.

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