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Researchers from University College London have recently published a study in the Crime Science journal.
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The study ranked various ways artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially aid criminal activities over the next 15 years.
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Contrary to the portrayal of robots overpowering humanity in Hollywood movies, the study suggests that deepfakes pose the greatest threat.
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Deepfakes refer to multimedia content edited/created using AI to make the subject appear to be doing or saying something they have not actually done or said.
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The study was conducted through a workshop involving a threat assessment exercise by a diverse group of stakeholders--security, academia, public policy, and the private sector.
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The crimes were presented to them, and they were asked to evaluate them according to the following aspects of threat severity:
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harm (the victim or the social harm), criminal profit (the realization of a criminal goal), achievability (how possible the crime would be), and defeatability (how easy or difficult it is to defeat).
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