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YouTube Is Testing New Tools For Podcasts Creators

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A new test on YouTube offers a soft launch of a series of podcasting tools.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Podnews highlighted YouTube's latest feature experiment last week, which aimed to test new podcast tools.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

YouTube's new tools include everything needed to create podcasts, including uploading and showing data.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

YouTube explained that the test participants could upload a podcast by clicking the "create" button.

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This button offers options for creating a text or video post and starting a livestream.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Next, creators will also be able to see podcasts under the new "Podcasts" tab in the context menu.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Existing playlists can also be converted to podcasts using a new option from the three-dots list.

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YouTube Studio will also be able to show podcast analytics on a desktop, at the very least.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

These analytics include audience numbers and revenue insights.


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