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Xiaomi To Shut Down Short Video App Zili

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Xiaomi is shutting down Zili, one of its popular consumer apps in India.

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Zili is a short-form video app and a clone of TikTok that gained popularity after TikTok was banned in India.

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The app will go offline on March 13, 2023.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Zili announced the shutdown through a notice in the app.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The app did not provide any specific reason for the shutdown other than an "operational adjustment".

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The app's website has already been closed down.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Zili has asked users to download and store their content offline before the shutdown date.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Users are also advised to redeem their "Z-Points" reward points before the shutdown date.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

All user data will be deleted from Zili's servers after the shutdown date and will no longer be retrievable.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

This move comes after Xiaomi faced significant setbacks in its India business in the last year.


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