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A hypnotic image thought to be from footage taken by a US spy plane the military depicts a metallic-looking UFO hovering over a city in Iraq.
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The bizarre image was released by filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and C2C's George Knapp to coincide with the debut of their brand-new podcast.
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"This is an example of the UFOs that our military and intelligence community is looking at," Corbell said, explaining that the image is a still from an approximately four-second-long video which has yet to be released.
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In a detailed account of the events surrounding the mysterious UFO sighting, He revealed that it took place in one of the Iraqi towns of Mosul.
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According to Corbell, the video features the moment when "this orb or metallic ball runs alongside a spy plane, and it's shown moving beside the plane without dropping altitude at all."
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The video footage was reported to have been included in a secret briefing for Congress from the Department of Defense's UAP task force.
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