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US FAA Slams SpaceX With $175,000 Fine

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-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

FAA proposes $175,000 fine against SpaceX for not submitting safety data before Starlink satellite launch.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Data required is launch collision analysis trajectory data, which helps assess probability of collision.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

SpaceX was required to submit the data directly to FAA 7 days before launch.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

SpaceX has 30 days to respond to the FAA after receiving penalty notice.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

This is the latest instance of tension between SpaceX and FAA due to fast-pace launch business.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

SpaceX has been violating launch regulations in the past.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Violation was regarding launching the prototype of the giant Starship rocket without securing approval of key data.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

SpaceX has not yet commented on the proposed penalty.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The safety data is essential to prevent the collision of launch vehicles with tracked objects orbiting Earth.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The FAA has been regulating SpaceX’s launch and rocket reentry regulations, causing disagreements in the past.


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