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US Air Force Launches 1st Operational Hypersonic Missile

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The United States Air Force (USAF), has successfully tested its prototype hypersonic weapon.

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The new AGM-183A Air-launched Quick Response Weapon (or ARRW), is the first hypersonic weapon in operation by the United States Military.

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Although the speed of AGM-183A's weapon is not known, Lockheed Martin-designed weapons are said to have been inspired by DARPA test vehicles that had a speed of Mach 20 (or 15,000 mph) or 24,000 kph.

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According to a USAF statement (opens in new tab), the successful ARRW test took place Friday (Dec. 9), at a training range near California's coast, according to Monday's USAF statement (Dec. 12).

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Officials stated in the statement that "This test was the first launch of an operational prototype missile."

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"Following the ARRW’s separation from the aircraft it reached hypersonic speeds greater than five times the speed sound and completed its flight path. It then detonated in its terminal area.

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Jason Bartolomei is the Armament Directorate Program Officer. This statement was made by USAF.

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"I am extremely proud of the tenacity, dedication, and professionalism this team has displayed to provide a vital capability for our warfighter."

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Although the AGM-183A is currently in flight testing since April 20,21, a series of failed tests in which the booster failed to fire raised doubts about the program.

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According to Breaking Defense, the Air Force acquisition stated that "you obviously don't would buy anything that doesn't work," in July 2022.

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