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Twitter Will Require Phone Number To Purchase Twitter Blue

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Twitter announced the relaunch of Twitter Blue this weekend. Twitter has updated its terms to require verification of a phone number for subscribers who wish to purchase the subscription.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

According to the company, if your phone number has not been verified, you will be asked to verify it when you purchase the subscription plan.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

The company can also block users from purchasing the Twitter Blue subscription if they have changed their handle, display name, or profile picture in the past seven days.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Twitter accounts that have not been active in the past 30 days, or have changed their profile picture, display name or username (aka @handle), may be denied access to the service.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Subscribers will also require a verified number," according to the updated terms.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

This is also the 90-day restriction that Twitter Blue requires for new accounts.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Twitter stated that people who subscribe to Twitter Blue might not receive the checkmark immediately.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

 It plans to verify that the account has not violated its verification requirements.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

These requirements, in addition to the conditions above, require that an account not show any "signs of being misleading" or deceptive and should not engage in "platform manipulation" or spam.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Twitter stated that all Twitter Blue features would be available immediately, except for the blue checkmark.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

 This may take some time to appear to verify that subscribed accounts meet all requirements.

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