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Twitter View Counts Start Appearing For Some Twitter Users

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Some Twitter users are beginning to see views for tweets.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Musk announced that the feature would be available for "all tweets" on December 1st. 

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

He also stated that view counts would be shown for all videos. 

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Musk reiterated this announcement a week later, adding that it would be "in a few months."

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

We noticed that a counter appeared when we clicked on our posts. 

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Although some Twitter users reported the feature, it has yet to be made available. 

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For example, We currently need to see view counts for tweets other than videos at the time of writing. 


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