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Twitter Suspends Account Of Paul Graham After He Tweets About Mastodon Link

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Paul Graham, a respected venture capitalist and supporter of Elon Musk's Twitter efforts, had his Twitter account suspended Sunday.

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The suspension followed a tweet in which Graham wrote: "This is the last straw. I give up. You can find a link to my new Mastodon profile on my site." 

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In his tweet, he mentioned a new Twitter policy prohibiting users from linking to other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Nostr.

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This policy also prohibits using other means to circumvent the rule. For example, writing "Instagram dot.com/username" to not create a link.

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FOLLOW US:  @theinsaneapp

Graham's account appears to have been suspended. He wrote that he could find a link on my Mastodon profile site. That could be taken as an example by Twitter.

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We reached out to Twitter but did not receive an immediate response. However, Graham's account was unaffected after we reached out.


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