#QuickTakes By

Namecheap, Dynadot, TuCows And Other Domain Registrars Got Blocked In India

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As a result of an extended conflict regarding cybersquatting, certain Indian internet service providers (ISPs) have barred access to three significant domain name registrars. 

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This decision has caused growing frustration among Indian courts and cybersquatting victims,

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who have been unable to elicit a response from registrars regarding their take-down notices.

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Complicating matters further, some registrars have insisted that plaintiffs obtain a court order from the United States instead of one from India.

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Ankur Raheja, an attorney who frequently serves as a Respondent's representative in UDRP cases, reported today that

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certain Indian ISPs have blocked access to the websites of five registrars: Dynadot, Namecheap, Tucows, Sarek, and Gransy. 

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