-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Microsoft Outlook isn't working as it should.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Worldwide reports indicate that spam messages are not being blocked by email clients' spam filters.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
These problems were first reported by some reporters. They have independently confirmed that Outlook users are being spammed with spammy emails.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Microsoft's Outlook community forums fill up quickly with messages regarding spam filter issues.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Some users claim that their Hotmail inboxes fill up with spam messages.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Microsoft had not yet made an official comment about the Outlook spam filter breakdown at the time of this article's writing.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
If the company releases an update, we will add it to this post.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
However, it seems that spam is not being filtered by Outlook on the Web too.