#QuickTakes By

15 Ways To Make Money With NFTs 

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Non-Fungible Token is the most buzzing word in the web3 world, where people find multiple ways to earn profit from it. 

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Are you eager to know how to make money with NFTs? Keep patience, and let's take a look at 15 ways to make money from NFTs

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1. Buying And Selling NFTs 2. Selling Your Work As NFTs 3. Royalties 4. Renting Your NFTs

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5. Use NFT As Collateral 6. Selling Licensed Collectibles 7. Sale Of Fashion Pieces

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

8. Staking NFTs 9. NFT Influencing 10. NFT Play-to-Earn Games

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

11. NFT Trading 12. Flipping NFTs 13. Offering Liquidity In Exchange For NFTs

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14. Minting And Selling NFTs 15. NFT Holdings