#QuickTakes By

General Motors Invents Self-Cleaning Touchscreen Displays

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Touchscreens in cars are here to stay, replacing physical buttons.

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General Motors (GM) has patented a new screen design that allows touchscreens to erase fingerprints all by themselves.

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The new screen design introduces an additional violet pixel, invisible to the human eye, that reacts to a photocatalyst screen coating designed to absorb certain wavelengths of light in order to produce a chemical reaction.

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The photocatalyst's reaction is initiated by the violet pixels in the absence of ultraviolet radiation in sunlight, which is common in tinted car interiors.

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The violet pixels turn on and activate the photocatalyst during a cleaning cycle manually started by the driver or at night when the car is sitting unused in the dark.

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The chemical reaction breaks down organic materials left behind in fingerprints, oil residue, and grease from fast food.

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The self-cleaning process leaves the screens clean and ready to be used again.

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The technology is still in the patent stage, and it is uncertain whether GM plans to pursue it as an actual feature in future vehicles.

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Self-cleaning touchscreens would be a welcome upgrade in many devices, not just cars.

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The technology could potentially be used to clean other types of touchscreens.


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