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You can play on the world's most compact CRT TV. But what about the microscopic monitor?
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
The OLED screen is just 0.7 inches, but it still costs USD 275.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
The screen has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels.
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It also comes with a board that can be used for USB power and a Micro HDMI port.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Mr. Volt designed a 3D-printed frame to make the computer monitor more user-friendly and placed it on a wooden board.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
The only thing left was to connect the HDMI cable and then run some games to test if they were playable.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
This monitor is small enough to fit in your pocket. It's also practical for those who like to play on the go.
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