-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Flutter state management libraries help build and manage apps better and more easily.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
These libraries will keep the data of any changes made to the UI safe, regardless of the type of change made.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
It is possible to manage small apps, but the state management libraries will make it easier in case of complex applications.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
We've curated 30 state management libraries for flutter developers.
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1. BLoC 2. GetX 3. Inherited Widget 4. MobX 5. Cube
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6. States_Rebuilder 7. Provider 8. Riverpod 9. Meedu 10. Redux
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
11. GetIt 12. Stacked 13. Binder 14. SetState 15. Fish-Redux
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
16. Flutter Commands 17. Triple 18. Solidart 19. Scoped Model 20. Flutter Hooks