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Flipkart Launches Samarth Krishi For Farmers

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Flipkart India launched the 'Flipkart Samarth Krishi' program to provide national market linkage and negotiation power to India's farming communities and FPOs.

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The program aims to provide market access, capacity-building, and sustainable growth for farmers and FPOs through relevant partnerships.

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Farmers and FPOs will be trained on best practices and upskilled on technologies for improving the quality of produce.

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Flipkart India has partnerships with industry and government bodies in various states to source pulses, millets, and spices directly from farmers and FPOs.

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The program will cover over 100 commodities, including rice, pulses, spices, and millets.

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The Samarth Krishi program will engage with 2,500 FPOs by the end of 2023 and aims to make the digital transformation of the agriculture sector more inclusive.

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Flipkart India has already onboarded several FPOs, including ABY Farmers, Sri Sathya Sai MAC Fed, Jana Jeevana, Nirala Herbal, and Sahyadri Farms Supply Chain.

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Flipkart India has already trained over 10,000 farmers on product quality and food safety.

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The program aims to create a significant positive impact on the Indian agriculture sector and on rural communities.


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