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The Volkswagen motorized office chair and this amethyst Factory-M one are available.
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It's not the most comfortable to sit on, but it's certainly a step up from the previous one.
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This bizarre creation is priced at USD 3,385. It all began when Koichi Hasegawa, the founder, visited the United States to visit his family.
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He saw an enormous amethyst crystal that looked like a chair in a shop.
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The founder suggests grinding the sharp bits off the chair before you sit down.
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However, transporting the crystal alone, which weighs 194 pounds, could be a problem.
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Amethyst, a violet-colored quartz variety and a semiprecious gemstone commonly used in jewelry making is essentially a semiprecious rock.
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You can find high-quality amethyst in Brazil, Siberia, and Sri Lanka, as well as Brazil, Brazil, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and the Far East.
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The superior grade is 'Deep Siberian which has a purple hue between 75% and 80%.