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The student at the college who monitors Elon Musk's aircraft has expressed concern that the software used to keep track of the aircraft of celebrities could be removed from the market after it was purchased on Wednesday.
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Aviation data provider JetNet announced on Wednesday that it has purchased ADS-B Exchange, an online platform that was free and tracked thousands of commercial aircraft around the globe.
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The question is whether information about flights on the ADSB exchange will be available to the general public.
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Jack Sweeney is a 20-year-old student who runs the account @ElonJetNextDay and various other Twitter accounts that track celebrities' jets.
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He claimed that selling the company is against the spirit of the air enthusiasts community that has powered the site. He's even soliciting the boycott.
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Dan Streufert, president and founder of ADS-B Exchange, said in a statement that the deal would "meet the business needs of our users while maintaining our enthusiast roots and unfiltered data."