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Discord is expanding its Stage Channels feature to include video feeds, screen sharing and text chat.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Stage Channels originally debuted as an audio-only feature almost two years ago.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Up to five participants can share their video feed, and someone can share their screen at the same time.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
No audience members' audio or video will be broadcast unless they are invited to join the speakers.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Discord has imposed some limits due to the higher bandwidth usage of video.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Any server with free Community features can enable video and screen sharing in Stages with up to 50 people, including the hosts.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Text chat works the same as in voice channels, and moderators can restrict certain users from sharing video or their screen.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Waiting room music will play for users waiting for a Stage to begin.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
The addition of video gives users more flexibility and allows for premium gameplay streams.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Discord's Stage Channels feature is useful for hosting events such as AMAs, live podcast recordings and beatboxing contests.