#QuickTakes By

BuzzFeed Launches ChatGPT Powered Infinity Quizzes

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BuzzFeed has partnered with OpenAI to build a new AI-powered quiz format, Infinity Quizzes, which is now live.

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The quizzes are powered by an AI called "Buzzy the Robot," based on OpenAI's API trained on a blend of text, code, and information. 

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The new quizzes offer users a basic theme, ask a few keyword questions, and build a personalized narrative based on the responses.

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The results of the quizzes are theoretically infinite in their variations. BuzzFeed has been dabbling with AI since launching a picture generator in 2021.

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There is a lot of skepticism surrounding AI's development and the possibility of making humans obsolete.

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BuzzFeed's partnership with OpenAI to create content that was previously crafted solely by humans has signaled to many that a dystopian future is already here.


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