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Binance Launches AI-Powered NFT Generator Platform Bicasso

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Binance has launched a beta version of Bicasso, an AI-powered platform for generating Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

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Bicasso requires user input in the form of an image and a prompt to create AI-made NFTs.

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The beta version is limited to 10,000 free NFTs, which have already been claimed.

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Users can still register for the waitlist for the final version of Bicasso.

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Binance's move is in response to the growing hype around AI and crypto tokens.

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The heavy traffic on the platform caused long wait times, as the AI was overworked.

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Some crypto enthusiasts were expecting a more innovative platform from Binance.

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Bicasso's launch is part of a trend in the adoption of AI-based tools in the crypto industry.


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