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The tech industry trade association, with members that include Meta, TikTok, and Google -- this week filed suit to block the law.
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In a complaint, one can argue that the law isn't just unconstitutional but could cause harm to minors.
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Certain tech companies don't agree with some who don't like California laws, NetChoice said in a statement, claiming that the state law "violates the First Amendment" many times over.
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It also grants California "unchecked authority to force moderating decisions that the government favors.
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It must have the highest levels of privacy setting to be activated for minors by default.
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It also states that websites that target children under 18 years old must evaluate the possibility of harm to the users of those services that may result from potentially harmful content or exploitation.
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The suit is the latest in an increasing number of court cases that concern free expression online.
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Certain tech companies have made steps to strengthen protections for children on the internet this year.
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