-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Extensions are add-ons that will provide more features and functionality.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Visual Studio Code provides a wide range of extensions for Flutter.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
Adding extensions will give you new features, save time by providing easy ways, increases productivity, and so on.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
In this story, we are going to explore best Flutter extensions for VS Code.
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
1. Flutter Riverpod Snippets 2. Better Comments 3. Code Spell Checker 4. VSCode Advanced New File
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
5. Dracula Official Theme 6. Version Lens 7. Firebase Explorer 8. Github Copilot 9. Error Lens 10. Dart Data Class Generator
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
11. Flutter Tree 12. Pubspec Assist 13. Flutter Stylizer 14. JSON To Dart Model 15. Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
-: FOLLOW US :- @theinsaneapp
16. Color Highlight 17. Live Server 18. Remove Comments 19. Rest Client 20. Thunder Client