Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service that provides a variety of features and products. It offers a free account with 12 months of free services, along with $200 in credit. Key features include Azure Cognitive Search for user-friendly search services, AI and Knowledge Mining to extract insights from documents and media and custom data understanding. Azure Virtual Machines are free for the first 12 months. Azure operates on a pay-as-you-go model, with no fees for maintaining the free account and no upfront commitment.

It caters to various use cases, such as building knowledge-mining solutions and better understanding data with custom models. Azure also provides several free products, including Azure SQL Database and Azure Cosmos DB, with 55+ services available for free after the initial 12 months.

Microsoft Azure
AI Tool Name:Microsoft Azure
Category:Best Weird AI Tools
Features:Azure Cognitive Search, AI and Knowledge Mining, etc
Cost:Free Trial

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