Google’s AI-powered chatbot Bard was launched recently by the company. Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned. Another mistake at a Paris press conference by Google Bard further damaged the company’s reputation. A presenter couldn’t provide a demo due to a missing phone. These incidents have caused Google employees to be particularly dissatisfied with their company’s leadership, including Sundar Pichai, Google CEO.
Google employees are criticizing the company’s leadership, including Sundar Pichai, CEO Of Google, for how the Bard announcement was handled. They call it “rushed, un-Googley,” and “botched.”
Astrophysicists, experts, and others pointed out a major factual error in Google’s demo video. One promotional video showed that the AI chatbot Bard incorrectly named the telescope that captured the first exoplanet image.
The company’s Paris press conference was happening at the same time. Unfortunately, the presenter couldn’t demonstrate a new Lens feature. This resulted in an embarrassing situation for Google. The video was even removed by Google later.
Google launched Bard to compete with ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot. Microsoft launched a new version, Bing, of its search engine. It uses the same technology as ChatGPT and is aimed to provide a better experience for users searching.
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